Friday, October 20, 2017

Asampradaaya in Madhwa Sampradaaya - Part One

Asampradaaya in Madhwa Sampradaaya

Part One
Book published in the year 2011
In Kannada : Harati G Prahlad
In English : Smt. Nandini Sarvothaman
Proof reading : T.V.Sathya narayanan

Only Part One is translated here. Part Two will be coming separately.


Rama: Gurugale, What is SADHANE? Let me know its meaning in detail.

Guruji: Sadhane has many meanings. Use it in any way & you can still name it SADHANE. But in religious vocabulary, Sadhane has a very important deeper meaning.

SriKrishna: Then please let us know what Sadhane IS ? And what Sadhane IS NOT?

Guruji: Your inquisitiveness to question me about Sadhane is also a kind of Sadhane. And your thinking and speculations about sadhane after you seek answer is again a Sadhane.

Rama: I do not understand. Please explain more.

Guruji: Every mundane work done from dawn to dusk, can be made as  Sadhane. Every work you do, in every field is Sadhane and every task becomes a Sadhane only when you remember THE God in every work you do. Now that is the real essence of Sadhane.

For example:

1. Getting up early in the morning is a Sadhane. Washing your face & watering the holy Tulasi plant & sanctifying oneself with Tulasi mruttika is Sadhane.

2. Then reminding (smarane) of the holy Go-maatha, the nine planets (navagraha), and then having a bath is also Sadhane.

3. Bathing with snana sankalpa is a Sadhane. There is no scale as to measure the Paapa phala or the Punya phala of the Sadhane we take up. Man has to perform Sadhane in the interest of everyones well being.

4. Perform Sandhya, japaa & parayana three times a day. This is a Sadhane.

5. Performing Devara pooje is a very important Sadhane, which needs to be continued lifelong.

6. Try to compulsorily perform Devara naivedya, Vaiswadeva & Hasthodaka after completing the Pooje.

7. Keeping the control over ones mind is the best Sadhane.

8. When you lose control over your mind, you lose yourself. It is a paapa sadhane.

9. Perform Devara pooja, Naivedya, Japaa, compulsorily on a holiday atleast. This is the first step of sadhane.

10. The growing inquisitiveness with each day, to know about God and acquire knowledge about Him is ultimate Sadhana. 

11. Going to places where good activities are performed is also sadhane. Listening to God's glories (through discourses) is Sadhane. If one does not achieve knowledge through Shravana (Listening), it is in itself a paapa.

12. Learning about our religion, our culture, our phylosophy, our guru parampare whenever possible, from the right teacher is Sadhane.

13. Wearing our vaishnava symbols (Gopichandana & Tapta mudra) is a Sadhane. Making mockery of them is a paapa sadhane.

14. Going on a pilgrimage is a sadhane. Voluntarily helping the pilgrims is also a sadhane.

15. Helping voluntarily at occasions like Wedding, Upanayana (thread ceremony), Shraddha, Aaradhane, etc. is a sadhane. Participating in such occasions is also a sadhane.

16. Working independently on such occasions (Aradhana, Bhajana etc) without seeking help from others is also a sadhane.

17. Wearing Gopichandana, Sri vadiraja mruttika, Sri gandha, Angaara, Akshate is important & a good sadhane.

18. Respecting the Saligrama, parents, Guru, holy Tulasi, Rivers, Samudra, Peepal tree and considering them as high as God is a sadhane.

19. Having a meal with traditional Vastra & Towel instead of shirts & pants is a Sadhane. 

20. Believing in God, Dharma, Guru, Traditions & values is a Sadhane.

21. Having food without Naivedya (offering to god) is paapa sadhane.

22. Wearing Pants, Shirt, baniyan, while eating meals and eating on tables, cushions etc is negative sadhane.

23. Always Chanting Krishna naama or Gayathri mantra on the way to work (while going to School, Court, Factory, temples etc) is real sadhane.

24. Building interest in our Dharma, Karma, Religion whenever we get an opportunity is Sadhane.

25. Study and Observe everyone around you. How they do things? What are your shortcomings and how can you overcome them by observing others. It is very important in life to learn & improve yourself by observing others.

26. If not able to offer the food we prepare as Naivedya to SriHari, atleast cook a bowl of rice separately on wood/ charcoal fire and offer it as Naivedya and then have it for your meals. It is a great sadhane.

27. Maintain and protect the tradition, values and the vast inheritance given to us by our ancestors, Dasaru and Yatigalu.

28. Learn, read, teach and propagate the Granthas, the Sulaadi, the Ugabhoga, the Dasaru padagalu.

29. Discuss and learn whatever and whenever possible from others. Acquire knowledge & clarify doubts.

30. Do not pray / do namaskara to other Gods (who does not come in our Sampradhaaya).

31. Do not receive / eat Prasada from unrecognized / unknown sources.

32. Not every eatable is a Prasada. Learn to identify it. Refrain from such food habits.

33. When you do not understand, or when you are confused, or when indecisive, bow down to a  picture of Raghavendra tirtha and pray for his help. He will surely show you the way.

34. Do not waste your time by sitting idle or watching TV. It is paapa sadhane.

35. Do not keep a pet dog and spend money for its maintenance. Instead use the money by feeding cows. One who offers gaugraas will overcome vaitarni river.

36. Growing a Dog at home will land you in hell and you will be born as a Dog in next birth.

37. Mind is the greatest of all.  We must make up and strongly determine to practice dharma sadhane .

38. Do Sandhyavandane 3 times a day. If not possible, then 2 times, or else atleast once daily. Else under tough circumstances, do 3 Arghya, 10 Gayatri japa, silently in mind.

39. Those doing it for once a day can increase it to twice, those doing twice increase it for thrice. All of these will be credited to your account in Shri Krishna bank.

40. Those doing sandhya once, should leave 12 Arghya and do atleast 32* 3 = 96 gayatri japa.

41. Remember the Sankarshana rupi SriHari while bathing as He is the Jada-abhimani devaru because the rivers are Jadaa and Humans are also  jadaa.

42. There are 13 rupas of SriHari in Devara deepa - remembering them while lighting Devara deepa is sadhane.

43. When offering Shri Tulasi remember that there are 5317 Bhavanta rupa in it.

44. There are 161 SriHari rupa sannidhana in flowers. Remember them  when offering flowers to god. 

45. Offering the good/ fresh flowers gives you good phala and offering the stale / rotten / bad flowers will land you in Hell.

46. Flowers to be offered - Mallige, Jaaji, Sevantige, Iruvantige, Sugandharaja, Kanagalu, Sampige, Davana, Gulabi, Parijaata, Nandibatalu, Kyadige, Maruga, Vishnukranti etc.

47. Restricted flowers - Koothihoo, Chendu kakda, Kankambara, Tumbihoo, Ekkadahoo, Sphatika.

48. Similarly, grow only the right kind of flowers / plants at home.

49. Naivedya means understanding that bimba rupi SriHari is present in saligrama and also in the person doing the naivedya.

50. There are 5535 SriHari rupas in saligrama.

51. There are 513 SriHari rupas in the idols (pratima).

52. There are 24 SriHari rupas in water.

53. There are 403 SriHari rupas in SriGandha.

54. There are 52115 SriHari rupas in all the upaakarna (items used in pooja)

55. Offering 5gms of gold to SriHari at our homes is sadhane.

56. Stop emphasizing on I, and start giving importance to YOU (SriHari).

57. There are innumerous SriHari rupas. But one should never perceive him as different. He is ONE, irrespective of his rupas and avataras.

58. The moolarupa Lakshmi Narayana is split into Krishna, Narahari, Pachima Ranganatha, etc. 

59. When you see the Moolapratima of SriHari, we must look at him as mukhyaprana antargata svabimba (self). This is the best way to offer namaskara to SriHari.

61. The food we eat, water we drink, water we use while bathing etc, all belongs to rudra antaryami bharatiramana mukhyprantargata sriHari. This anusandhana gives you immense joy.

62. Don’t chide the seasons like winter, summer, rainy or windy. SriHari does his duty accordingly. Chiding and earning paapa is not advisable.

63. One who does not have Pride on self is a MahaYogi. But some Peetadhipathis who cannot leave their pride, make their grandchildren as their successors to the Peeta. How this will be a Sadhane? Think. 

64. Leaving the affection towards Sri Krishna and then have affection towards women and hence coming out of Sarvagyapeeta and becoming a Samsari. Is this what we call as Sadhane? Think. 

65. As per Harikathamruthasara, Enu Maadidha Karmagalu, Lakumi Nivasaniga arpisalu santhana poorvadhindha Sandhehisadhe Dhinadhi. Means, Whatever activities we do, without any doubt, we have to surrender it to SriHari.

66. Among the family of things, the rupa of SriHari present in the best thing, is called as Vibhoothi rupa. 

67. Cow, Brahmins, Women, Elephant, Tiger, Saligrama, Peepal tree, Yatis, River, Ponds, Rishis - we should know that SriHari's special presence is there in all these. 

68. There are 2 types 

1. Vibhuti rupas of SriHari which we could see : Kapila, Vyasa, Krishna etc. plus Jeevas like Ramadevi, Brahma etc.

2. Vibhuti rupas which we cannot see (invisible): They are called as Tirohita Vibhuti rupas. SriHari who is present in Jeevas like Ramadevi, Brahma etc.

69. We should have knowledge about - defiled / leftover food items, rules during menstrual cycles  (enjilu, musure & mailige) etc.

70. Ignorance about these (our sampradaya) is a way to Hell. It may not affect us instantly, but they are all accounted for a later date. This is as per teachings of Learned.

71. It is considered that Lifespan of Men in Kaliyuga is 100 years. 360 days in a year. 360 * 100 = 36,000. This includes 36,000 days and 36,000 nights. We have totally 72,000 Naadis in our body. We should know the matching of these two. This is a Sadhane. 

72. These 72,000 naadis are distributed longitudinally as 36,000 in left and 36,000 in right side. 

73. Why does a Jeeva experience Happiness, Problems, Difficulties in life? They are all dependent on the Jeeva's Qualification, Character and the good deeds they did in the past. 

74. Our prayer to SriHari should be like this. This birth is given by you. Hence, you should make me do the Good deeds/activities. 

75. Praying SriHari for Gyana, Bhakti, Vyragya is also sadhane.

76. Is it possible that SriHari is present in his Innumerous rupas inside each Jeeva? If you believe Learned's teachings, then it is possible. We must always understand that He is present in the Tiniest rupa (Sukshma rupa) in all Jeevas. 

77. There are crores of hairs on our head scalp. Even though they are all binded together, actually they are standing individually. Likewise, SriHari is also present individually among his innumerous rupas. 

78. The 72,000 naadis present in our body is also separate. Similarly SriHari is also present individually among his innumerous rupas. 

79. When we have the desire to perform Sadhane, the tasks to fulfill that Sadhane has to be done by us without depending on others.

80. Depending on others to fulfill our Sadhane is incomplete. If we want to do Devara pooje, we ourself have to clean, make rangoli, keep  flowers ready, tulasi & then take bath, prepare Naivedya on coal stove. Doing every thing by ourselves is actual sadhane.

81. Do not blame spouse for not cooperating in performing sadhane. Learn to do sadhane without their help.

82. Listen, Learn, enquire, research, discuss about every topic is sadhane. 

83. I am unable to see / hear, I am tired - these are not the reasons to avoid doing sadhane. Just stay in your place and do Gayatri Japa, Lakshmi Japa, Narasimha japa, Dhanvanthri japa etc., These are sadhane activities. 

84. Ensure that there is always a Lamp (Nanda-deepa) burning in the Pooja room. 

85. Whatever madi is required for life only that we have to do. No need of extreme madi. If we get the answer for why we are doing madi, then that is a sadhane. If the madi you perform, makes you forget SriHari, then what is the use of that?

86. Understanding the Sidhanthas of ones own is sadhane.

87. Reading Granthas one by one and acquiring knowledge is a sadhane.

88. Believing that SriHari is present in every Jeeva and valuing it accordingly is sadhane. 

89. My Bimba rupa is others' too. Others' Bimba rupa is mine too. This we should never forget.

90. Remembering SriHari should not be limited only when you are in Pooja room. Remembering Him while doing every activity during the day, is sadhane. 

91. Desires are the cause of unhappiness. So greediness taints your image in society.

92. Women wearing nighties, chudidhar, shirt, trousers while performing pooja / namaskara is prohibited. Dress appropriately when you are standing before hari-vayu gurugalu. Being a hindu stop dressing like Non-Hindus.

93. Nowadays women have stopped wearing kumkuma, bangles, plaited hair, flowers is a way to hell. It seems that they are getting trained for Vaidhavaya in future.

94. Spreading of matress/blanket at home all the time is maha paapa. It has become fashion nowadays. Inspite of having cots, spreading these carpets have become a pride. And then we expect abundance in health  and wealth.

95. Many parents fear to correct their daughters these days because they are earning more.

96. Parents who don’t keep their children in their control are themselves responsible for their troubled future.

97. Even in our busy daily work schedule, give time to think of Lord SriHari. He will always protect you.

98. As you keep reading, the knowledge keeps on increasing. Experience the joy of reading.

99. Love books as you love your spouse. Read good Suktas. Get immense joy.

100. Man must never sit idle. That is the law. Reasons like aging, weakened senses, deteriorated health must not be cited for Not remembering SriHari. Doing japa, hari smarane is like paying taxes to SriHari to attain moksha.

101. What is character? Common man's answer is this. One who has good conduct and one who is not desirous of other women. But scholars define it as, those who are not doing the Snana, Sandyavandane, Devarapooje  as characterless.

102. Women who do not plait / bind their hair and leave them free open are bound to drain their punya. Same for Ear studs and nose pin.

103. Do not touch the boiler, geyser, handey etc & other water storage containers after visiting a barber saloon (for hair cut/shaving). Keep aside a separate container for that. Bathe from that water initially and only then touch the handey, geyser etc.

104. Women would never become beautiful by visiting parlours. Beauty is given by God. Dont visit a parlour before wedding and make the marriage premises defile. Parents and others should never encourage this practice which leads to hundreds of others defile.

105. Reading Shaastras in whichever language known to you is primary sadhane.

106. 80 out of 100 believe in doctors rather than Dharma & SriHari and as prescribed by him, they go for morning walk.

107. But When asked to do Snana Sandhyavandane, they make excuses for lack of time. Overcome these habits and become successful.

1. Just talking about sadhane is not sadhane. Practising it at any cost is important.

2. Properly understanding and implementing all the karmas we do in our daily life, and while doing that remembering SriHari is Sadhane. This is the gist of Samanvaya adhyaya. 

3. There will be many hurdles and difficulties when we take up this task of practicising sadhane. Cleverly and diplomatically overcoming these is the gist of Avirodha adhyaya. 

4. Whatever activities you do, do it to please SriHari. Working without expecting returns will give you good returns. This is the essence of Phala adhyaya. 

I Wish these golden words of knowledge will increase manifold in every person. There is no doubt these are going to make our lives meaningful.

Gurugale My respects to you for making me understand the true meaning of SADHANE .

I will come back to you, if I have any more questions.

Guru: Please come back and try to implement them. Wish you all the Best.

Sri Krishnarpanamasthu.


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